Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Like Sex... For Your Brain

It's no surprise that when the glorious time of day arrives to go home, the very last thing any student wants to do is stick around campus "just for fun."  After excessive amounts of time spent studying in the library and attending mind-numbingly long lectures, the very last thing any one wants to do is remain on campus

Nonetheless, as I inch my way closer to graduation, I reflect back upon my time here at UVM and I find that I have one (semi) major regret: not taking full advantage of it.  Living on or around a college campus provides perks that we, as students, have become blind and numb to.  We forget that most of the outside world is not fully infused with such scholarly academia on such a regular basis.  What I'm trying to get at is the fact that UVM hosts some seriously awesome lectures by some seriously awesome people (Like artist and psychedelic genius Fred Tomaselli, who makes stuff like this:)

It took some extra credit points from my sophomore year Philosophy professor to push me in to attending my first on-campus lecture.  And no surprise, I found it boring, irrelevant and way too difficult to understand.  Needless to say, for the rest of my sophomore year, I avoided such lectures at all costs.  But as I entered my Junior year, I felt a new sense of maturity brewing inside of me and began attending random lectures that I would discover through fliers and posters hanging in Old Mill and Lafayette.

They were like crack.

Not only do these lectures really make you feel like an awesome student (which let's be honest here fellow English majors, we like to feel intelligent) but you also learn some really interesting and thought-provoking shit.  In fact, just this past week, I received a thorough mind-fuck from Associate Professor Jennifer Friedlander about "the aesthetic destruction of reality."  Yeah, exactly.

My point is this: as students at such an awesome (though money guzzling... but that's not the point) University, we often forget that one of the best parts about being a student is that whole "learning" thing.  UVM offers some really cool lectures and I seriously encourage you to check some out!


  1. I agree!! I love the Painted Word series that Major Jackson hosts. Have you ever been to one?

  2. yes! I haven't been able to go this semester because I have a Wednesday night class but I've gone quite a few times in the past... I had Major for my TAP class my freshman year so he always encouraged us to go. Plus, a few semesters ago I worked Wednesday nights at the museum so I actually got paid to go!

  3. Funnily enough the first lecture i attended was for a philosophy class as well. I went for the extra credit, but i became engrossed by the discussion, which was on time travel (this was a philosophy of science class). Even though i had trouble keeping up with the theoretical concepts presented coupled with scientific theory, none of which i understood really, the entire presentation was thought provoking and i stayed through the Q&A. As a result, i enjoy attending presentations on campus now.

  4. I definitely agree with you, I want to take advantage of all the academic lectures and also dance performances etc. (considering we essentially pay for them with sky-high tuition.) So far everything has been really rewarding!
